Breaking Records!

The recent snow storms that hit Colorado this year were INTENSE! Ironically, we packed up the kiddos and flew out to Portland before it hit but had no idea how difficult it was going to be to get back into the state a week later. We decided to fly out to my folks' home near Portland for a week and drive our secondary vehicle back about a week later. Well a simple - BUT LONG - 10 HR trip to Colorado turned into almost 3 days of travel! By the time we made it to Wyoming, state patrol had shut down the highway into Colorado so we needed to stay the night in a hotel. Waking up the next morning to yet again another day of highway closures, we decided to backtrack a little and get into Colorado by going through Salt Lake City... We made it to Colorado but hit another closure just outside of Aspen. At this point, we're only 2 hours from home but we CAN'T GET THERE!!! So we needed to, yet again, book another hotel room for the night. Now I wouldn't have been so stressed if we didn't need to just wake up and leave the next morning. I wish we had the opportunity to enjoy the towns we stayed in because I love to explore! I mean, how many people get the chance to stay in Aspen - yet I did but never experienced it!!

The next morning we were happy to discover that the highway was open and we could make the short drive to our rental. So I would definitely say that the moral to that story is, don't always be on a tight schedule. You will miss out on all the beautiful spots, locations, towns around you. While Aspen isn't far from where we are now, to find a day or two to drive up there and spend some time isn't in the cards for us right now. We're on such a tight schedule with my husband's work and my photography business, that we can't do it right now but... if we just had a few hours to spare while we were already there - I could have said 'I've been to Aspen'..

Lesson Learned!